domingo, 10 de setembro de 2023

A declaração final da reunião dos G20 em 9-10set2023

 Texto completo:

Destaco o seguinte excerto da declaração, apelando à paz. Noutros pontos é defendido o multilateralismo e a reforma do sistema financeiro internacional. 

Trata-se de um declaração cujos temas já deveriam ter sido claramente tratados e divulgados pela ONU. Honra ao país moderador da reunião, a Índia, agora que o movimento dos não alinhados é passado (pessoalmente eu gostaria que não se confirmasse o que alguns ocidentais dizem da Índia, que promove uma política de intolerância religiosa, mas não tenho informações fidedignas). 

"In this context, emphasizing the importance of sustaining food and energy security, we called for the cessation of military destruction or other attacks on relevant infrastructure. We also expressed deep concern about the adverse impact that conflicts have on the security of civilians thereby exacerbating existing socio-economic fragilities and vulnerabilities and hindering an effective humanitarian response.

13. We call on all states to uphold the principles of international law including territorial integrity and sovereignty, international humanitarian law, and the multilateral system that safeguards peace and stability. The peaceful resolution of conflicts, and efforts to address crises as well as diplomacy and dialogue are critical. We will unite in our endeavour to address the adverse impact of the war on the global economy and welcome all relevant and constructive initiatives that support a comprehensive, just, and durable peace in Ukraine that will uphold all the Purposes and Principles of the UN Charter for the promotion of peaceful, friendly, and good neighbourly relations among nations in the spirit of ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future’.

14. Today’s era must not be of war."

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